Friday, September 29, 2006

Welcoming Spots

I was finally able to get an appointment for a long overdue haircut. I usually cut my own hair, but from time to time go to a super-deluxe salon, Bumble and Bumble, for a little pampering. The salon in the Meatpacking District is huge and fabulous, and Denise (who cuts my hair) is an artist. This salon is always buzzing with ritzy people in expensive clothes - and the salon is ALWAYS cool about the bike being in the shop. I bring it right up in the elevator, wheel it in and lean it on the window in plain view. These kinds of places quickly become favorite spots for me and I appreciate businesses who go the extra distance to be accomodating. I had a chance to meet the founder, Michael Gordon, when our firm did some work for Bumble and Bumble - he is a true gentleman and, I suspect, the guiding example for how the staff treats customers.

I rode home in the dark through Manhattan to the Williamsbug bridge - this scene was shot in Williamsburg. There is a neighborhood populated largely by Hasidic families; Rosh Hashana was celebrated this past week. They are participating in a Tashlich ceremony, they symbolically "throw away" their sins by praying and tossing bread crumbs into a flowing body of water.


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