Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Out With the Old

The day started off really well - I had a morning meeting at a project site in the East 70's. Since I was just meeting with contractors and not clients, I decided to ride my bike to the meeting instead of going to the office first to change. I rode accross the Brooklyn Bridge to Chambers Street and then onto the West side bike path - stopping to take pictures of a crane that was pulling up chunks of a deteriorated pier, just above Battery Park City.

The meeting went well - uneventful - and I rode back down to my office at 27th and 5th, taking Park Avenue all the way South. It was a great ride - I went through the Met Life building that straddles and divides Park Avenue in midtown. A spooky, dark tunnel through the building's base that curves and winds, finally scrubbing some speed off of the crazyfast cab drivers who shoot down 5th Avenue.

I got an email in the afternoon from my ex, Liz, telling me that our divorce had been granted by the state and that we were officially single on 13 September 2006. I had come to peace with our separation, this news brought a lot of old feelings to the surface and I was a little shell-shocked the rest of the day. It reminded me a little of the scene with the crane this morning - dredging up and dismantling the last vestiges of some almost forgotten thing to make room for something new.


Blogger Jenny Blair said...

Striking image; good analogy.

8:29 PM  

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